The Post Race Celebration will take place in Van Buer Plaza in Downtown DeKalb.
The Taste of DeKalb event will continue in Van Buer Plaza beginning at 10:30 am until 3:00 pm
The Taste of DeKalb event will continue in Van Buer Plaza beginning at 10:30 am until 3:00 pm
FREE BEERFree beer will be available at the Post Race Celebration. Those who wish to have a beer will be required to show ID and be wristbanded. You can choose to be wristbanded at Packet Pickup, day before or race day, or during the Post Race Celebration.
DJ TOXICDJ Toxic will be at the Start and Finish Line playing the best tunes to pump you up before the race and keep the celebration going after you cross the Finish Line!
The Taste of DeKalb will directly follow the DeKalb Corn Classic Post Race Celebration beginning at 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.
DeKalb food and beverage vendors will set up at Van Buer Plaza and local, family-friendly entertainment events will be offered free of charge. There is no admission cost. Sponsorships are available to support the event - proceeds go towards the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary Community Grant for Children, Youth and Families of DeKalb County.
DeKalb food and beverage vendors will set up at Van Buer Plaza and local, family-friendly entertainment events will be offered free of charge. There is no admission cost. Sponsorships are available to support the event - proceeds go towards the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary Community Grant for Children, Youth and Families of DeKalb County.